A GUMSHOE roleplaying game of swords & sorcery!
When it’s summer, you smell her before you see her. As you come around the curve of the Serpentine river the scent of the open sea is replaced by the stench of low tide, of boat tar, of rare spices spilled from a smuggler’s ship; of cooking smoke and human waste. Bells ring out across the water and echo like the song of ghosts, loud enough to almost drown out the chanted prayers of your ship’s rowers.
You round the bend past the lower fort and there she is: the great city of Eversink, sprawled out on scores of islands across the sheltered water. Her jeweled and crystal turrets are reflected in a shimmering bay full of hundreds of brightly colored boats. Architecture from a dozen eras towers above a tangle of grand plazas and narrow canals. Temples to her goddess rise above the mansions and tenements, calling her people to prayer. She may be ancient and corrupt, slowly and inexorably swallowed by an endless bog; but she’s alive in a way most cities aren’t. She’s a melding of faith and stone and wood and water – and mud – that’s unique in all the world.
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve come to kill a rival, earn a fortune, learn a secret, or hire an army. You’re home now, and the Sinking City will embrace you. All you need to do is survive.
Swords of the Serpentine is a sword & sorcery game of daring heroism, sly politics, and bloody savagery, set in a fantasy city rife with skullduggery and death. The rules adapt the GUMSHOE investigative roleplaying system to create a fantasy RPG with a focus on High-Action roleplaying and investigation inspired by the stories of Fritz Leiber, Terry Pratchett, Robert E. Howard, and others. Wether your inspiration is Lankhmar, Ankh-Morpork, or Guerdon, Swords of the Serpentine Swords of the Serpentine
Your characters will discover leads that, if followed, propel them headlong into danger and forbidden knowledge. A lead might point the way to sunken treasure, jungle ruins, the missing key to a sorcerous trap, or the true identity of a notorious murderer. The GUMSHOE game mechanics ensure that you’ll always notice leads if you look for them. It’s up to you to choose which one you’ll follow into whatever perils lie ahead, in hopes of fortune, glory, justice, or just staying alive another day.
If you want to track down foul sorcerers in a corrupt and decadent city, clamber through underground ruins to sneak into an enemy’s home and rob them, or wage a secret war against a rival political faction, you’re in the right place.
Swords of the Serpentine offers:
- A fantasy city of mystery and magic inspired by Lankhmar and Ankh-Morpork
- Tools for fast and effective character creation
- A customized combat system that opens the door for cinematic, heroic battles
- Social combat that targets your enemy’s morale, letting you defeat some foes through wit, guile, and threats
- Sorcery that allows you to rip apart a tower with the flick of a hand—but are you willing to pay the price in corruption to body and soul?
- Powerful allegiances that give you influence in one or more factions across the city, but which can earn you equally powerful enemies…
- Streamlined abilities that power four distinct types of heroes, and which you can mix-and-match across professions to customize your character further
- Gameplay and rules mechanics that encourage players to help build the world they’re adventuring in
- Rules for death curses, true names, alchemy, sorcerous items, ghostly possession, political manipulation, and more!
Swords of the Serpentine is a massive 368 page colour tome
Barcode # | 9781912324293 |
Brand | Pelgrane Press |
Shipping Weight | 0.8000kg |
Shipping Width | 0.300m |
Shipping Height | 0.240m |
Shipping Length | 0.030m |
Format | Hardback |
Top Shelf Fantasy
21 September 2022I've been reading the PDF while waiting for the book to arrive and I'm thoroughly impressed. I'm a fan of Gumshoe RPG iterations like Nights Black Agents and Trail of Cthulhu. Swords of the Serpentine move the system into Fantasy territory with a truly evocative setting. I'm immediately reminded of Fritz Lieber, Scott Lynch, and Gareth Hanrahan for flavour of the city itself. I really want to run or play this game setting. There is loads of flavour to Eversink, a Venice-like trade port built over a swamp. The shining spires of the city are slowly sinking into the corrupt mire beneath, where dark gods and corrupt sorcerous beings lurk. The rules tweak the standard Gumshoe basics to fit its fantasy setting, Looking forward to playing with the combat rules as they have been altered, as it was likely the weakest part of the earlier versions of the rules. Reading the combat chapter I think the changes will do good things at the table. After playing it, it was awesome. Things went horribly wrong for our heroes, and while we escaped disaster, our reputations are in tatters, and we have access to some interesting forbidden knowledge, new enemies, and new allies.
A GUMSHOE roleplaying game of swords & sorcery!
When it’s summer, you smell her before you see her. As you come around the curve of the Serpentine river the scent of the open sea is replaced by the stench of low tide, of boat tar, of rare spices spilled from a smuggler’s ship; of cooking smoke and human waste. Bells ring out across the water and echo like the song of ghosts, loud enough to almost drown out the chanted prayers of your ship’s rowers.
You round the bend past the lower fort and there she is: the great city of Eversink, sprawled out on scores of islands across the sheltered water. Her jeweled and crystal turrets are reflected in a shimmering bay full of hundreds of brightly colored boats. Architecture from a dozen eras towers above a tangle of grand plazas and narrow canals. Temples to her goddess rise above the mansions and tenements, calling her people to prayer. She may be ancient and corrupt, slowly and inexorably swallowed by an endless bog; but she’s alive in a way most cities aren’t. She’s a melding of faith and stone and wood and water – and mud – that’s unique in all the world.
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve come to kill a rival, earn a fortune, learn a secret, or hire an army. You’re home now, and the Sinking City will embrace you. All you need to do is survive.
Swords of the Serpentine is a sword & sorcery game of daring heroism, sly politics, and bloody savagery, set in a fantasy city rife with skullduggery and death. The rules adapt the GUMSHOE investigative roleplaying system to create a fantasy RPG with a focus on High-Action roleplaying and investigation inspired by the stories of Fritz Leiber, Terry Pratchett, Robert E. Howard, and others. Wether your inspiration is Lankhmar, Ankh-Morpork, or Guerdon, Swords of the Serpentine Swords of the Serpentine
Your characters will discover leads that, if followed, propel them headlong into danger and forbidden knowledge. A lead might point the way to sunken treasure, jungle ruins, the missing key to a sorcerous trap, or the true identity of a notorious murderer. The GUMSHOE game mechanics ensure that you’ll always notice leads if you look for them. It’s up to you to choose which one you’ll follow into whatever perils lie ahead, in hopes of fortune, glory, justice, or just staying alive another day.
If you want to track down foul sorcerers in a corrupt and decadent city, clamber through underground ruins to sneak into an enemy’s home and rob them, or wage a secret war against a rival political faction, you’re in the right place.
Swords of the Serpentine offers:
- A fantasy city of mystery and magic inspired by Lankhmar and Ankh-Morpork
- Tools for fast and effective character creation
- A customized combat system that opens the door for cinematic, heroic battles
- Social combat that targets your enemy’s morale, letting you defeat some foes through wit, guile, and threats
- Sorcery that allows you to rip apart a tower with the flick of a hand—but are you willing to pay the price in corruption to body and soul?
- Powerful allegiances that give you influence in one or more factions across the city, but which can earn you equally powerful enemies…
- Streamlined abilities that power four distinct types of heroes, and which you can mix-and-match across professions to customize your character further
- Gameplay and rules mechanics that encourage players to help build the world they’re adventuring in
- Rules for death curses, true names, alchemy, sorcerous items, ghostly possession, political manipulation, and more!
Swords of the Serpentine is a massive 368 page colour tome
Barcode # | 9781912324293 |
Brand | Pelgrane Press |
Shipping Weight | 0.8000kg |
Shipping Width | 0.300m |
Shipping Height | 0.240m |
Shipping Length | 0.030m |
Format | Hardback |
Top Shelf Fantasy
21 September 2022I've been reading the PDF while waiting for the book to arrive and I'm thoroughly impressed. I'm a fan of Gumshoe RPG iterations like Nights Black Agents and Trail of Cthulhu. Swords of the Serpentine move the system into Fantasy territory with a truly evocative setting. I'm immediately reminded of Fritz Lieber, Scott Lynch, and Gareth Hanrahan for flavour of the city itself. I really want to run or play this game setting. There is loads of flavour to Eversink, a Venice-like trade port built over a swamp. The shining spires of the city are slowly sinking into the corrupt mire beneath, where dark gods and corrupt sorcerous beings lurk. The rules tweak the standard Gumshoe basics to fit its fantasy setting, Looking forward to playing with the combat rules as they have been altered, as it was likely the weakest part of the earlier versions of the rules. Reading the combat chapter I think the changes will do good things at the table. After playing it, it was awesome. Things went horribly wrong for our heroes, and while we escaped disaster, our reputations are in tatters, and we have access to some interesting forbidden knowledge, new enemies, and new allies.
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